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2.6.3. Query String parameters

documentIDCredit sales invoice codeInteger
wsNameCash desk number to be printed on the receipt (optional)String
departmentNameStore name to print on receipt (optional)String
departmentCodePoint of sale code for multimerchant system (optional)String
employeeNameCashier's full nameString
amountDocument amount in kopecksInteger
currencyCurrency nameString
payments {…}Payment blockArray
creditContractNumber of the loan agreement (required when paying on credit)String

[!NOTE] When working without a cash register, you must additionally pass the items parameter by analogy with the /sale and /refund methods

payments {…} Array

cashAmountCash payment amount in kopecksInteger
cashlessAmountCashless payment amount in kopecksInteger
bonusesAmountBonus payment amount in kopecksInteger